Dixie and I had a wonderful Christmas. We spent time with family. Dixie so loves the “opening presents” part of Christmas. She is so funny to watch. She will be sitting calmly, and sees someone start to open a present. She darts over to them and attempts to get her nose in whatever part of the package or bag that she can. She acts very disappointed if the gift is not a toy for her. As she only got a couple presents, we starting “regifting” some of her old toys—putting them in bags so that she continually had something to open. Nutty dog.
We came back to school last Wednesday after 11 days off. I thought that Dixie’s eye was unusually goopy, and needed to be wiped many times throughout the day. Finally in the afternoon, I called the vet and made an appointment. We went that night, and found out that poor Dixie had conjunctivitis. (doggy pink eye) She had ointment to be applied twice daily. It has finally cleared up after a week on the medicine. (and no, the kids at school didn’t catch it from her because it’s not communicable)
I am hooked up to my new Cozmo. All is well. I got some Isocks from my sister (little socks to put your iPod or iPhone into) , and found that the sock is also the perfect size and shape for my insulin pump. I like having my pump “in” something if I decide to store it in my bra. Otherwise, the plastic on bare skin really bothers me. Diabetes infiltrates even Christmas presents.
She is really very skilled.
It’s would be kind of scary.
But it’s not. It’s just really, really cool!
(and she just does it. No big deal to her.)
Dixie Tidbit:
(o.k... this entire post has really been about Dixie :-)
Dixie loves to roll in the snow. Especially when it's hard and crunchy. I'm not sure if she is scratching herself all over, or just enjoying it like kids do when they make snow angels!
So she gets the connection between your pump and your blood sugars. That is cool. That is really really cool.
I have to agree Dixie is an amazing dog. and so cute. I sure wish she could teach Bailey how to do that. She just hits me when she wants a snack. I think all diabetics should have a dog instead of a meter. ;>)
Thanks for the great pictures. Dixie has some great abilities, you're blessed. And I'd take a beautiful dog like her over a CGM any day of the week.
Didn't you get the fancy food scale last CHristmas? It's tough to be reiminded of db, even through the holidays.
I do think Dixie should have the letters "GP" following her name ( i.e., "genius pooch")
Your Dixie is amazing & oh so cool!
That is pretty amazing, and she is really very talented.
Very cool.
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