School has started. The kids came today. I'm busy with meetings, schedules, and kids.
I spent the weekend in the BWCA. I wanted one last hurrah before starting school. I got up at 4am on Friday morning and made the trek to Ely. Picked up my permit at the ranger station, and hit highway 1 to Tomahawk Trail. About 1/2 hour later I was at the Bog Lake entry point.
Bog Lake is a funny entry point. (in the BWCA, there are official entry points. You have to have a permit that allows you to enter at the specified lake on the specified day. Most entry points have many trip options leading from them. Many lakes connected by portage trails.) Bog Lake is completely land-locked. There isn't anywhere to go once you're on that lake. I think it's perfect for a weekend getaway. It's a mile portage (path) from the parking lot to the lake. Then it's a mile paddle on the lake to one of the three designated campsites. (campsites are designated by an official forest service fire grate and a latrine. (a plastic stool set over a hole that was dug by the forest service)
The weather was beautiful on Friday morning. Sunny and blue skies. The portage was a little more rugged than when I was there last year. Although it's a mostly flat trail, it was pretty overgrown this year. (here's a picture at the start of the portage. Dixie and Ella are leading the way!)
Saturday was much of the same. After breakfast (a delicious dehydrated biscuits and gravy), my blood sugar spiked more than I would expect. I decided that my pump site was a little old, and decided to change my quick set. I had brought two sets along, and went into the tent to prime one and use the quick serter to inject it. I wiped with alcohol and injected. It felt funny. It was an old inserter that I happened to grab from my stash. I didn't think more about it. I gave an injection to correct for the high. I tested for the next couple hours. (158, 118, 109, 115) Things seemed good. Around dinner, I started to feel crappy. I tested and was high. (280!) I checked the pump site and it was wet. I had a dilemma.
I had one infusion set left. I was in the middle of the woods, and my quick serter was trash. After a small panic set in, I decided that I would need to manually inject my quick set. I have only manually inserted one other time. It was long ago. If I didn't get it in, I would be reliant on shots of humalog for the next 15 hours. That means getting up every two hours all night and giving shots. (reminder that I'm allergic to insulin, and I don't do well with long acting. Lantus can't be mixed with dexamethasone, so that's out. I'm pump dependent)
I finally did it. I pushed the darn thing in with all the force I could muster. My stomach hurt for hours afterwards. I tested all night. It worked. I successfully manually inserted.
It's crazy how diabetes can creep around, and get you when you least expect it. I thought I was really prepared. I would only be in the woods for 3 days. I had two extra infusion sets and a quick serter. I had syringes and insulin. I bring that stuff "just in case." But I never really think there will be an "in case."
I hate when there is.
Fortunately, the beauty of the BWCA helps me forget. Check out the color of the sky. I took this picture while laying in my hammock. (what a brilliant shade of blue!)
Dixie and Ella both came along. For them, it was paradise. They took hikes, laid in the sun, and drank from the lake. (Ella is so happy she is smiling in this picture! -- at least it looks like that!)
For me (and Dixie) the summer is over. It's work time.
Even though there was a diabetes mishap, I'm glad that I spent my last summer weekend in a place I love.
The photos are beautiful. Your weekend sounds like a wonderfully relaxing way to unwind before beginning the school rush.
Yeah, I love the pics too!
Glad that you were able to get through the infusion set issues - that would have put a damper on the weekend!
Hi Molly, good to hear you ended you summer in a great way! Good luck with the craziness of school this week.
Love the pictures; love northern Mn. We always used to go to a lake near Alexandria when I was growing up. Of course, then there would be much discussion over whether or not the Runestone was authentic.
The girls look so relaxed, lying in the sun on the forest floor.
Have a good year ahead.
The pictures are beautiful!
I'm glad you were able to manually insert your set. But OUCH!
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