Monday, September 17, 2007

Weekend chaos

(Dixie and Ella resting in the BWCA)

I’ve been struggling with my morning blood sugars since I’ve been back at work. That means that for the last three weeks, I have been waking up higher than I like to be. I’ve gradually increased my overnight basal rates, even though I’m not sure why on earth they suddenly need to be increased.

I decided to do middle of the night testing over the weekend to find out where the problem was happening, since I refuse to do it during the workweek and I don’t have a snappy Dex Seven to easily guide me.

I go to bed on Friday night around 11pm. Blood sugar is 112. I wake at 2:30am. Blood sugar is 200ish, but I changed my site before bed and knew that would happen. I give a correction. I decide, in my sleepiness, not to wake up at 4am. Dixie gets me up at 9am and my blood sugar is 48.

Saturday afternoon, I went to lunch at Fuddruckers. (A hamburger joint) I had a burger and fries, and a couple glasses of diet cola. I had tested 82 before lunch, so gave a regular bolus, no correction. Dixie was pestering me all through lunch. I didn’t have a tester with me (argh!) and didn’t feel low, so I just ignored her.

Bad idea.

I did some shopping and then went home. I was feeling horrible. I tested the minute I walked in the door.


WHAT?!. I gave a serious correction. Tested 45 minutes later. 320. What the heck. I checked my infusion set, pump, etc. All seemed fine. My pump site was new. I wasn’t changing it.

Then it came to me. It was the pop at lunch. I KNEW that it wasn’t diet. I drank several glasses. Crap.

At this point I decided to bolus for the bazillion carbs I had consumed in regular soda. I guessed at 70 carbs. I never drink regular soda. Ever. So I didn’t even know what the actual carb value was. All I knew was that I was feeling horrible.

Test another ½ hour later. Down to 305. Another correction. (You can probably guess where this is going to put me in a couple hours.)

Four hours later I was 28. I tested twice. 28 again. This would have been a super time for the dang pop that I had earlier. Instead I had powerade and cookies.

Saturday night I decide to check the basals again. (Obviously still brain damaged from the highs and lows of today…what was I thinking?! This wouldn’t be a great night for checking.) But, I woke up at 2:30. BS= 108. Sweet. Got up at 8:30 the next morning. BS=160.

I turned up my basal rate last night between 4am and 6am, and went to sleep hoping for good things.

It’s amazing the smile that I can get from looking at the Freestyle, in the dawn of morning, with a simple 78 on it.


Dixie would like me to mention that she tried to tell me that there were problems in the restaurant, but I wouldn’t listen.

I should have.

Sorry Dixie!


Chrissie in Belgium said...

Molly, Molly, Molly our four legged friends are SO much smarter than us. When WILL we wake up?! Here is a (((HUG))). I do understand what you are going through. Does it help to know that you are not alone in this never ending battle? Probably not! Give Dixie a hug too!

You use Kevin's logsheets - right? Aren't they WONDERFUL! I LOVE the pie diagrams!

Anonymous said...

That Dixie is one smart cookie!!!!

Minnesota Nice said...

And Ella is cute as a button - but she looks way exhausted from having to keep up on her short little legs.

I think the "Pop misup" happens a lot. My nephew, who works at Subway says the "hoses are always getting mixed up.

Anonymous said...

I came to your blog via Donnabetes link, and I just signed up for Diabetes Talk Fest. Over the years, I have not realized how many other people are out there who've had diabetes for close to as long as I have. I too am 38 years old, and I was diagnosed when I was six years old. My husband is a teacher also, and we have one child. He has asperger's. I just wanted to touch base because we seemed to have a lot in common. You're dog sounds awesome!

I totally remember the Dezerta days of jello-like pudding and urine tests.... wow! Also, I have been a counselor for 14 years, and have been on my pump for 8 years. Wished I'd been on even longer!