It’s comforting to read other blogs and see that other folks are dealing with high blood sugars right now. I have tested so many times in the last 10 days that my fingers are threatening to go on strike.
I usually change my set every five(ish) days. (Shhhh! Don’t tell) This last week, I changed it three times. It wasn’t that the sites were a complete bust…just seemed to not have the usual hmpff to them. Dixie has been alerting like crazy. Poor thing, she’s just not used to dealing with me with high blood sugars. I give correction after correction, but it has been taking much more insulin and much more time to bring them down the last week. Dixie doesn’t like the “waiting game.” She’s rather play fetch with her tennis ball. ☺ And quite honestly, so would I. The “wait for high blood sugars to come down” game is a sucky one. I have to be strict with myself to not test obsessively every 10 minutes and give correction insulin. Thank goodness for the “insulin on board” feature on my pump that won’t allow me to just give extra insulin willy-nilly. Otherwise at times like those, I fear that I would. Let me be honest. At times like that with my old Disetronic hTron, I used to give insulin like crazy and then bottom out a couple hours later. Is it stress? Is it a bad batch of infusion sets? Is it the insulin allergy flaring its ugly head and causing this reaction? I don’t know.
I’m frustrated. I’m confused. Dam diabetes. (pathetic sigh…)
There really is nothing worse than doing everything right, and having your BG go breserk anyhow. Persistant mystery highs are awful. Here's hoping you don't see any more!
I hate that, weird highs. I hate doing everything right, everything the same, and still ending up with a 257. WTF? It just isn't right...
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