I saw this meme on
Penny's site and it made me laugh, so I thought that I would give it a try too. (I googled Molly+needs and these are the lines that came up) Good timing really. I've been wanting to post, but have been SO BUSY with the move.
Molly needs medical care Well of course she does. She has dam diabetes. Which has been settling down the last couple of days after battling many lows the last two weeks.
Molly needs a new pair of shoes O.k. I probably do. Or I need to start gambling so that I can shout out “Molly needs a new pair of shoes!!”
Molly needs a home Actually I have a new home! The moving process is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I feel like I will be living out of boxes and looking for things for the rest of my life. This really should say "Molly needs to get off her computer and unpack some boxes in her new home."
Molly needs a title How about “Your highness” or maybe “She who must be obeyed”
Molly needs a special surgery called a bulla osteotomy Oooo! That sounds scary! I hate medical procedures, and this sure doesn’t sound like a fun one. I’m thinking that if I really “needed” this special surgery, I would have some symptoms. Thankfully, I don’t. (except diabetes, which I don’t believe requires a bulla osteotomy…)
Molly needs our prayers Who doesn’t, really? I need you to pray that I unpack the boxes in time to find shorts to wear for the summer. Otherwise, I’m going to look pretty silly laying by the pool with my fleece pants on.
Molly NEEDS our prayers I guess I need a LOT of prayers in order to find those shorts!
Molly needs a slogan for 3rd grade student council race The third grade class in my school has some neat kids. I don't think that I have a chance at winning. My slogans would surely be something like, “Vote for Molly. She is really old for a third grader!” Or “Vote Molly. Any third grader with that much gray hair probably knows a few things.”
Molly needs a puppy sitter I’m just guessing here… but I bet if I really did need a Dixie sitter, there would be at least ONE person from the diabetes OC that would enjoy spending some time with my big, black dog!
Molly needs a haircut I just got one, but it looks horrible. So this really should say, “Molly needs to wear a hat until her hair grows back.”
Molly needs to go here for a slang update This was probably a suggestion from one of my students. I'm just not sure where "here" is located. (or is that slang for something) If you know, tell me.
Molly needs to diplomatically approach her principal and share her concerns I guess that says it all. Unfortunately, I’m not always much of a diplomat. But I do have concerns.
Dixie TidbitDixie needs more time in her new backyard and less time at boring old school! Dixie LOVES her new backyard. When we get home from school, she bounds around the backyard for a good 1/2 hour. She loves country living.
Dixie needs a homeopathic tick prevention product that works Man, the ticks are already out in full force here in the midwest. I've pulled many off of Dixie, including two deer ticks. (those are the little buggers that transmit Lyme's disease.) Dixie is going to the vet this weekend to get her Lyme's shot. Two years ago I treated Dixie with Frontline, and she got really sick from it. I'm mostly opposed to putting those chemicals on her anyway. She is currently wearing a flea/tick collar, because I don't think that they're quite as toxic... but it's going to be a long summer pulling ticks. Ugh.
Dixie needs a belly rub She loves a good belly rub. Always.