I have to admit. Life has been crazy busy lately. School is nuts. I had the second stage of a dental implant done last Thursday. (which was PAINFUL!) As much as I enjoy blogging, I have let it slip the last few months. I still read blogs daily, but just can't seem to pull it together and post.
So... Dixie is still a super dog. She loves the snow and is a happy dog romping around in the yard.
I saw this on Kathy's blog and thought, "better late than never."
Here are my responses to the survey:
1. Where is your cell phone? in my pocket.
2. Your hair? in need of a cut
3. Your mother? Living and working in the Twin Cities.
4. Your father? Living and working in a small town outside of the Twin Cities.
5. Your favorite food? deli sandwiches
6. Your dream last night? hmmm. don't remember
7. Your favorite drink? Diet Mountain Dew.
8. Your dream/goal? Be the best I can be.
9. What room are you in? Living room/Great room.
10. Your hobby? canoeing, camping, shopping for fun camping gear.
11. Your fear? Chronic Pain
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here.
13. Where were you last night? Home watching the Vikings game. (Booo!)
14. Something you aren't? Tall.
15. Muffins? Carrot.
16. Wish list item? Pool.
17. Where did you grow up? A suburb of Minneapolis.
18. Last thing you did? Worked on report cards.
19. What are you wearing? Jeans and a Dam Diabetes sweatshirt.
20. Your tv? Samsung.
21. Your pets? Dixie, the service dog and Ella, the cute pet dog.
22. Your friends? Mean the world to me.
23. Your life? Crazy busy right now.
24. Your mood? Calm .
25. Missing someone? Yes. My friend, Kim who stopped communicating with me over a year ago. Not sure why, but so very sad about it.
26. Vehicle? Yep. Subaru Forrester.
27. Something you're not wearing? One earring. The back fell off and I can't find it, so I only have one one right now.
28. Your favorite store? REI
29. Your favorite color? Red
30. When was the last time you laughed? This morning.
31. Cried? On Saturday when my mouth was hurting and I was frustrated with it.
32. Your best friend? K.
33.One place that I go over and over? canoeing in the BWCA.
34. One person who emails me regularly? MS, a good friend from New Mexico and W, a friend from work.
35. Favorite place to eat? Paddy Ryans